NANP Members, Shipmates, and Friends of Naval Photography,
When I joined the Navy in 1980, I had no idea that I would become an instructor at the US Naval Schools of Photography. The very school I joined the Navy to attend. Nor did I ever imagine making Chief Petty Officer and completing a 20-year career as a Navy Photographer. So, the concept of becoming President of the National Association of Naval Photography 42 years later was beyond imagination. Yet, here I am. I lived the journey, but it’s still hard to comprehend. I am honored and appreciative for the opportunity to serve as President of our Association over the next two years.
I want to thank our departing President, Sammy Solt, for his leadership during the past two years (2020/2021). The uncertainty and restrictions of the COVID-19 virus delayed and eventually canceled the 2020 reunion. Despite the setback, Sammy’s determination and persistence led him to orchestrate a highly successful 2021 reunion on Pensacola Beach this past November with 120 attending the festivities. Everyone had a great time catching up with shipmates and enjoyed a center stage, eye-level Blue Angel’s Air Show three of the four days. Sammy now moves over on the NANP Board of Directors to serve as Past President where he will continue sharing his wisdom.
We are bringing some new blood onto the NANP Board of Directors in 2022. Retired LCDR Chuck Abell had an abbreviated stretch as a NANP Director and will move over to fill my old shoes as Vice President. Retired MC1 Lisa Borges and retired LT Jeff Hilton were elected as new Directors for the Association. Although I’ve only had the pleasure of working with Jeff in the past, all three had solid careers in Naval Photography and demonstrate an energetic desire to move the NANP forward.
2022 brings change to the NANP. At the General Meeting held in Pensacola, the membership voted to establish a $500 annual scholarship, fund $5000 to the Shootoff Visual Media Workshops each year, eliminate the annual NANP membership option, and lower the Lifetime membership to $95. These changes are meant to bring the NANP back in line with its mission, support our members, and boost membership. Look for more information on these changes soon.
Additionally, the Board of Directors is currently updating the Association’s Bylaws. We hope to finalize and bring the new Bylaws to vote by the membership soon. There is also an ongoing study into the possible update to the Association’s name and logo to be more inclusive of the Mass Communication Specialists who are the future of Naval Photography.
Finally, despite the best efforts of our Member and Recruitment Chairman, Steve van der Werff, our membership has decreased some over the past two years. Sadly, the number of departed shipmates has exceeded new members joining. We are in conversation with the Mass Communication Specialist community, trying to discover ways the NANP can best benefit them and encourage joining. For now, to keep the NANP strong and vibrant, I ask everyone to reach out to shipmates and anyone associated with Naval Photography. Tell them about the NANP, share the website address ( with them, and encourage them to consider becoming members.
I look forward to working closely with the Board of Directors over the next two years and seeing all of you at the 2022 San Antonio and 2023 Washington DC reunions.
Happy New Year,
Wes Gibson
Brilliant remarks Wes, and thank you Sammy! I am excited about the change, support to younger photographers and the next two years of some awesome reunions. I want to give a shout out to Jerry Billings for his work in new membership and recruiting! Happy New Year Ya’ll!
A lifetime of goodness and dedication in a person’s life is worthy of such an honor, Wes. It must be quite a joy for you! The experiences you’ve had as a VP will undoubtedly serve you well and make all future responsibilities a delightful breeze ~
To Sammy and all who’ve been playing a rousing game of “Twister” in NANP, please know we are all so very grateful.
I’d say more, but have other things I must tend to immediately.
Enjoy the year ahead, everyone!
Ingrid Elena Pavia
I was looking for my friend’s phone number and found his obituary. He is not listed in the NAMP Obits.
He was with us in AFMPG at GITMO and Rosevelt Roads 1963-1966. He was in a serious accident in Rosey Roads and was transferred to USN Hospital in Philadelphia and he was medically discharged. He visited me in Florida and Atlanta and I visited him in Norwood, NY when I was a student at RIT.
I’m not sure who’s keeping that list up so here’s the obit.
Thank you for the information Lee. I’ll get it to the person who collects information for our Two Bell ceremony.