Story by Merrilee WilsonPhoto by Johnny Bivera Twenty-six photographers and spouses gathered in Chesapeake, Virginia on April 1st for lunch, merriment and storytelling. Among the group was Richard Shorter, an active duty MC2. We were delighted! He promised to bring another MC with him to the next lunch. We are counting on him. Following a half hour of visiting, we kicked off our gathering with Sheila Stone welcoming all followed by Greg McCreash sharing the benefits of NANP membership. An (at times hilarious) informal survey was conducted about our experiences as photographers. Yes! MCs are photographers! We learned (by a raise of hands) which of us served on independent duty, in Vietnam, as detailers (no bodily harm was done), as ship’s company, kissed the moose, donated […]
NANP VA Group Photo
Just wanted to share this image that I got from the GW Face Book page.