General Meeting Minutes, November 7, 2021

NANP GENERAL MEETING NOTES 7 NOVEMBER 2021 1. The meeting was called to order by the President, Sammy Solt at 14:35. 2. Unfinished Business a. Proposed changes to the Bylaws are still in the discussion phase. They will be further discussed by the Board of Directors, finalized, and then put to a vote via email to the General Membership. 3. New Business a. For the 2022 reunion, San Antonio, TX and San Diego, CA were proposed to the General Membership. San Antonio, TX was voted in. Mike Mullens and Gary Mann volunteered as event coordinators. b. For the 2023 reunion, Washington, DC, and Norfolk, VA were proposed to the General Membership. Washington, DC was voted in. Chuck Abell volunteered as […]

General Meeting Minutes, October 30, 2019

NANP General Meeting called to order @ 1011. Nominations – Nominations for upcoming Board of Directors vacancies was discussed. A call for nominations must be put forth online as none were received at the meeting.  Finances – Treasurer Sam Trice delivered the financial statement of account. NANP balance was $29,134 as of October 30, 2019. The 2019 Seattle reunion cost the organization $221. Account Management – Greg McCreash has been added to the checking account as a backup. 2020 Reunion – The poll that VP Sammy Solt generated was discussed, however, the General Membership in attendance voted to hold the 2020 reunion in Washington DC. Advantage is that we have several people in the area, to include Johnny Bivera, to […]

General Meeting Minutes, September 20, 2017

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NAVY PHOTOGRAPHY  –  GENERAL MEETING NOTES 20 SEPTEMBER 2017 1. The meeting was called to order by the President, Jerry Billings at 11:10. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. 3. Minutes of the last General Meeting were read and on motion approved. 4. A Financial Report was given by Pres. Jerry Billings. As of 20 September, 2017 there was a balance of $10,910.17 in the Association Checking Account and $18,137.90 in the Association Savings account both of which are deposited in the Navy Federal Credit Union. The 2017 reunion had deposited $4,834.41 thus far. Also discussed was the fact that NANP’s Fiscal Year ends on 31 December. Therefore, the annual financial report will be released after […]

General Meeting Minutes, September 30, 2016

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NAVY PHOTOGRAPHY GENERAL MEETING NOTES 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 1.    The meeting was called to order by the President, Jerry Billings at 11:05. 2.    The Pledge to Allegiance was given. 3.    Minutes of the last General Meeting were read and on motion approved. 4.    The Secretary/Treasurer read the Financial Report.  As of 10 September, 2016 there was a balance of $8,496.75 in the Association Checking Account and $18,092.67 in the Association Savings account both of which are deposited in the Navy Federal Credit Union. 5.    Unfinished Business: a.    The Secretary/Treasurer announced that the IRS Non-Profit issue with the Association had been settled and we are once again in good standing as a Non-Profit Organization. 6.    New Business: a.   […]