NANP Members, Shipmates and Friends of Naval Photography,

As we move forward with the NANP into the new decade I appreciate the opportunity to serve as the President of our fine organization for the next two years (2020/2021).  I would like to thank our outgoing President, Nora, for the time and effort she has put into our organization for the past two years (2018/2019).  She did an outstanding job and will be an asset to our Executive Board.

We also welcome Jerry Billings as our new Database Manager and Steven Van Der Werff as our Membership Chairman.  Both have many years of experience and will be absolute assets to our organization as we move forward with organizing the NANP database and increasing our membership.

    The next couple of years will be a critical time for the NANP as our membership numbers continue to decline.  We need to step out and embrace the MC community and bring them into the fold along with our “legacy” PH’s and encourage their membership.   If you have an old shipmate or someone that worked for/with you that meets the following criteria for joining the NANP please tell them about us and welcome them.  Give them our website and encourage them to check us out.  

Eligibility is as follows:

 “Any person, military or civilian, who has been closely associated with any Military Photographic unit or organization ashore or afloat, and desire to further the interests of Naval Photography is eligible for membership.  The spouse of a deceased member shall be eligible to assume the membership of the deceased spouse if desired.” 

Wes is gathering the votes for our 2020 Convention location as well as finalizing the votes received for a new Second VP and the Director seat that is open.  Results will be posted on the NANP Website.  I look forward to working with everyone in the New Year.


W. R. (Sammy) Solt

One thought on “Message From 2020/2021 NANP President – Sammy Solt

  1. Hi Sammy, Power to you in your term as president. I have passed on the responsibility for the Database I created years ago. Jerry has been in contact with me as to operation and I am always available for help if needed.
    Ralph Lewis

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