The NANP has job openings beginning in 2025 and we are taking nominations and seeking volunteers. Names need to be submitted to the President-Wes Gibson, Vice President-Lisa Borges, or any member of the Board of Directors no later than Midnight PST, November 22, 2024. Names submitted will be vetted and put before the General Membership for vote in December. Vice President The Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency in case of a vacancy in that office and shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or disability and shall undertake such other responsibilities as the President or Board may assign. The Vice President shall be responsible for monitoring the Appointed Chairs and report to the President the […]
Accepting Nominations for New NANP Director
The NANP has a Director position to fill and is accepting nominations. The new Director will serve three years beginning January 1st, 2024 and ending December 31st, 2026. Directors are members who are entrusted with overall direction of the Association. They are elected by vote of the General Membership to supervise, recommend and vote on issues brought before the Association. The results are then presented to the Membership for a vote to ratify. If any NANP member would like to make a nomination for Director’s position, please submit an email to the NANP Secretary at or use the contacts form on the NANP website. Nominations will close at midnight (PST) on October 31st, 2023.
General Meeting Minutes, October 7, 2023
Unfinished Business New Business
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, October 7, 2023
Old Business New Business
General Meeting Minutes, October 22, 2022
Unfinished Business New Business
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, October 22, 2022
Old Business New Business
Seeking Nominations for 2020 Elections
The new year is upon us and time for Board of Directors elections. We have vacancies coming up for 2nd Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and two Directors. We need nominations and/or volunteers before we can move forward with elections. Nominations will only be accepted from NANP members in good standing. You can vote online by using this link: Nominations are closed You can also make nominations for any or all of the available positions by sending an email to the NANP Webmaster ( who will forward it to the Executive Committee. Please include in your email: Your full nameYour email addressNomination for 2nd Vice PresidentNomination for Secretary/TreasurerNomination for DirectorNomination for Director All nominations must be received no later than midnight December […]