NANP GENERAL MEETING NOTES 7 NOVEMBER 2021 1. The meeting was called to order by the President, Sammy Solt at 14:35. 2. Unfinished Business a. Proposed changes to the Bylaws are still in the discussion phase. They will be further discussed by the Board of Directors, finalized, and then put to a vote via email to the General Membership. 3. New Business a. For the 2022 reunion, San Antonio, TX and San Diego, CA were proposed to the General Membership. San Antonio, TX was voted in. Mike Mullens and Gary Mann volunteered as event coordinators. b. For the 2023 reunion, Washington, DC, and Norfolk, VA were proposed to the General Membership. Washington, DC was voted in. Chuck Abell volunteered as […]
Thanksgiving Day 2021
A message to our members. First and foremost, Thank you to our dedicated members of the National Association of Naval Photography. For more than 100 years, Sailors have made many sacrifices for our nation and so have our families. As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, may you find joy and solitude with your family as they have made many expenses as well. We have served with pride, no more than our families in us. As we have explored a new world and new cultures, our traditions have prevailed. Every year, we take time to reflect on what we are thankful for. Our health, the bounty of our own country, and the perseverance of freedom and the life of liberty. Worth serving […]
2021 Reunion An Overwhelming Success
Everyone, All I can say is the folks that attended the reunion in Pensacola had a great time. The weekend was wonderful including the two Blue Angel Air Shows we were able to see from our hospitality suite balcony. NAS was closed for the air show and the Blues flew their show on the beach, incidentally the Blue Angels 75th Anniversary party was in an adjoining suite and our shared balcony was center stage. Absolutely awesome! Since returning home many accolades about the event have been received. It was an absolute success. My personal thanks go out to some very key people that worked together as a team to ensure it ran smoothly: Jim Russel, our man on the ground […]
Veteran’s Day 2021
Another Veterans Day is here. It is the official day fellow Americans honor men and women serving or who have served in the armed forces, including those who are no longer with us. Throughout the week, there are parades, ceremonies, and gatherings, designed to acknowledge the gratitude of communities. Some schools invite veterans to speak to classes. Churches, and veteran groups, hold special dinners. Various retailers and restaurants offer free or discounted items and food, all to say, “Thank you for your service.” Many of us also use this time to educate the public on the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. One of the most significant ceremonies happens in Arlington National Cemetery at the Tomb of the Unknown […]
2020 Reunion Replaced With 2021 Reunion
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 debacle and the slow rollout of the vaccine, the NANP Board of Directors have voted to cancel the 2020 Navy Photographer’s Reunion, which had been postponed to April 2021. Going forward, we are planning a 2021 Navy Photographer’s Reunion, November 5th – 7th at the Holiday Inn Resort on Pensacola Beach, Florida. This is the same location and venue we had planned to use for the 2020 Reunion. And as previously planned, our reunion will coincide with the Blue Angels Homecoming. The Board of Directors felt this course of action would allow ample time for the majority of our community to receive their vaccines, thereby increasing reunion attendance. A new 2021 Reunion page will […]