General Meeting Minutes, October 30, 2019

NANP General Meeting called to order @ 1011. Nominations – Nominations for upcoming Board of Directors vacancies was discussed. A call for nominations must be put forth online as none were received at the meeting.  Finances – Treasurer Sam Trice delivered the financial statement of account. NANP balance was $29,134 as of October 30, 2019. The 2019 Seattle reunion cost the organization $221. Account Management – Greg McCreash has been added to the checking account as a backup. 2020 Reunion – The poll that VP Sammy Solt generated was discussed, however, the General Membership in attendance voted to hold the 2020 reunion in Washington DC. Advantage is that we have several people in the area, to include Johnny Bivera, to […]

2019 Reunion Poll Results

During the 2018 NANP Reunion General Meeting, a proposal was put forth to replace the 2019 NANP Reunion planned for Seattle, Washington with an ocean cruise. As such, an online poll of the NANP membership was conducted Oct 29th thru November 25th to gauge the interest level in each event and to get a feel for how many of you are likely to participate. 82 members responded and took the poll. Here are the results. Question: What is your 2019 NANP reunion location preference?Seattle – 21Cruise – 37No Preference – 24 Question: If the 2019 NANP Reunion is located in Seattle, Washington, would you attend?Yes – 26No – 32Undecided – 24 Question: If the 2019 NANP Reunion is an ocean cruise, […]