Shipmates and Friends of Naval Photography,

Recently Tony Casulo put out a great newsletter for all of us to enjoy.  BZ to you Tony for a great publication!  In the newsletter, a survey was included for the location of the 2020 Reunion/Convention.  There were numerous places listed on the survey and it had been requested that the recipients pick their top five choices and forward them to me with a cutoff date of 01 December 2019.

My very first reply, which by the way was received 3 days after the distribution of the newsletter was from Art Jorgensen, we really appreciate your promptness.  The second came from Don “Bearcat” Jarvis, a true Navy legend.  Now we need to get to work on everyone else.  Where are the board members?  We have to get this thing moving in order to lock down on a great location, selected by the majority for 2020.  I am hoping for a huge turnout no matter where we meet.

Contact an old shipmate or a sailor you worked with or worked for, and invite them to come and celebrate with us.  Maybe they can teach us old “dip and dunkers” how the new Navy operates. This is also their organization.  There are a lot of MC’s out there that feel they don’t belong, let’s show them they count.  The future of NANP is in their hands and we want our legacy to continue.

Sammy Solt


11 thoughts on “Pick the Location for the 2020 Navy Photographers Reunion

  1. Two suggestions, first location is San Diego ( home to Combat Camera Group Pac) or where all of us got our start, Pensacola, Fla.

  2. Would like to remind all that the custom is, if you recommend a location, you are volunteering yourself to be the Working Chairman !!

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