The nominations are complete and it’s time to vote for who will fill the role as NANP Director starting January 1st 2024 and ending December 31st 2026. There were two candidates nominated to fill the position this year. Retired LT Duane Romine and retired JOCS Robert Leonard. Below are their biographies and a link to the voting page. Voting will close at midnight (PST) on Nov. 17th, 2023.

Duane Romine, LT (Ret)

Duane served for 27 years beginning in 1958 and retiring in 1985. Duty stations included USS Norton Sound (AVM-1), CINC Pacific Fleet Pearl Harbor, Naval Parachute Test Center at El Centro, Navy DOD Combat Motion Pictured Team in South Vietnam, Atlantic Fleet Camera Group Caribbean Detachment Puerto Rico, USS Coral Sea (CVA-43), and Pacific Fleet Intelligence Center Pearl Harbor. He is a graduate of the Photographic Quality Control Program at RIT and the Cinematography Program at USC. Duane achieved the rank of PHCM, CWO3, and LT. After the Navy, Duane graduated from the Marine Propulsion Program at the Florida Keys Community College. After obtaining his US Merchant Marine Captain License, he piloted Commercial Fishing crafts.

Robert Leonard, JOCS (Ret)

Robert served in the Marine Corps from 1954 to 1962 as a Criminal Investigator. In 1974, he joined the Navy as a JO2 and attended the Syracuse University Photojournalism Program. After graduating, he was stationed with Combat Camera Group Atlantic as an 8148. In 1976, Bob was named Photojournalist of the Quarter by CHINFO for photos taken during the evacuations in Beirut, Lebanon. Later, as a member of Naval Internal Relations Activity, Los Angeles, he began a program for judging the Merit Awards for internal communications. While assigned to the Naval Material Command, Crystal City he was promoted to JOCS. Robert graduated the Senior Enlisted Academy in 1985 and retired from the Navy after a tour as Naples Bureau Chief for Stars & Stripes. Since the military, Robert has served on the Secretary of the Navy’s Retiree Council and as Vice President of the Fleet Reserve Association, San Fernando Valley Branch until it disbanded. He has an advanced degree from Pepperdine University and is a Past President of their Alumni Board. Robert formed and instituted a Transition Program for the Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton as well as held Transition Workshops for the State of California’s Employment Development Department, AARP, and USAA.

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