1. The meeting was called to order by the President, Jerry Billings at 11:10.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
3. Minutes of the last General Meeting were read and on motion approved.
4. A Financial Report was given by Pres. Jerry Billings.

As of 20 September, 2017 there was a balance of $10,910.17 in the Association Checking Account and $18,137.90 in the Association Savings account both of which are deposited in the Navy Federal Credit Union. The 2017 reunion had deposited $4,834.41 thus far. Also discussed was the fact that NANP’s Fiscal Year ends on 31 December. Therefore, the annual financial report will be released after the 1st of the New Year rather than during the annual general membership meeting.

5. Unfinished Business:

a. The proposal and vote on holding the reunion every other year as opposed to annually was discussed. During the discussion there was obvious overwhelming support for an annual event. There was a motion made to continue holding the reunions annually it was seconded and passed with a unanimous vote.

b. Also discussed were the survey results last year that proposed holding the reunions on local bases as a money saver. It was determined that logistically, with many of our members not being retired, it would be very difficult to have that as a viable option due to current security restrictions on military facilities and gaining entry.

6. New Business:

a. A discussion was held concerning the need for more outreach and restarting of regional chapters. If regional chapters were brought back then, we could do more membership outreach and have a more active association. The group agreed that volunteers would be sought out to restart the chapters.

b. The association’s communication tools were discussed. Mickey Strand is going to work with Jennifer Miller to clean up the email database and addresses. It was decided to release a newsletter twice yearly, and incorporate a less formal e-mail reach-out twice yearly so that there is a quarterly update to members throughout the year. There was also concern that we may not be reaching everyone because of the methods used, one of the goals in cleaning up the database will be to ensure we can reach members by their preferred method.

c. Location of the reunions was discussed, with the subject of always holding them in active duty areas being a consideration. Holding the reunions in active duty areas allows us to try and draw current active duty personnel in the area to our event and the Shoot Off. Holding reunions in non-military areas allows members to see areas they may not go to otherwise. During the course of this discussion a motion was made and seconded to vote on the locations for the next two reunions. For 2018, the cities of Jacksonville, Pensacola and Orlando were voted on with Jacksonville winning the vote. For 2019, the vote was between, San Diego, Seattle and Laughlin, NV. The vote carried for Seattle with 14 votes, San Diego 5 votes and Laughlin at 1 vote. It was decided to poll members in the Jacksonville area to find an event coordinator.

d. Johnny Bivera asked the membership to consider changing a budget item; the Sponsor a Sailor Program, to include funding Board Approved administration items for Shoot Off training and guest speakers. It would be known as Workshop Support. A motion was made and seconded to take a vote which passed with 19 yes votes, and no opposing votes.

h. The membership on motion recommended Todd Pendleton to replace John Hudson as an Executive Director. It was also recommended on motion to nominate Wes Gibson to Second Vice President. Sam Trice was nominated as Secretary-Treasurer. These names will be placed on the ballot on the web-site for membership approval.

Bill Purcell thanked Mickey Strand for his effort in coordinating the 2016 reunion.

j. Upon review and concurrence by the Secretary and President, these minutes will be posted on the NANP web-site.

7. There being no further business, it was motion approved to close the meeting at 12:15.

Jennifer J. Miller
For the Secretary

2 thoughts on “General Meeting Minutes, September 20, 2017

  1. I understand the reason for not using a Military base, but has anyone looked into the possibility of using one of the Veterans Organization, like American Legion, VFW or any of the others? I belong to all except the Marine Corp League and know that most of our Organizations have facilities that would gladly support a convention. I reside in Auburn, California and will be sponsoring a Forty and Eight Grand Promenade in our Memorial Hall. Rent will be free and will provide a catered dinner for just $15.00. Motels run around $80.00 and up. Just a suggestion – thinking outside the box.
    Just a note, graduated from Class A Photographer’s School in 1961, switched to the Army in 1965 and served in Vietnam as a Combat Photographer. Came back from Vietnam and the Army decided to change my career field and made me a MP. I switched to Army Criminal Investigator (CID) and retired with 22 years.

    1. Hi Courtland! very interesting career you had – wow.
      thanks for the input/suggestion on the reunion ideas – that has never been suggested as far as I know…

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