1. The meeting was called to order by the President, Sammy Solt at 14:35.
2. Unfinished Business
a. Proposed changes to the Bylaws are still in the discussion phase. They will be further discussed by the Board of Directors, finalized, and then put to a vote via email to the General Membership.
3. New Business
a. For the 2022 reunion, San Antonio, TX and San Diego, CA were proposed to the General Membership. San Antonio, TX was voted in. Mike Mullens and Gary Mann volunteered as event coordinators.
b. For the 2023 reunion, Washington, DC, and Norfolk, VA were proposed to the General Membership. Washington, DC was voted in. Chuck Abell volunteered as an event coordinator.
c. The NANP membership is shrinking due to an aging community with few of the newer MCs joining. We are looking for ways to attract younger members. Johnny Bivera will start a survey of the MC community with hopes of ascertaining what benefits the active duty community is looking for when selecting organizations to be associated with. We also need to monitor online activity looking for ways to promote the organization and include the MC community.
d. It was proposed and accepted to sponsor the Shoot Off Visual Media Workshops, hosted by Johnny Bivera, with $5000 per year in support to offset the cost of the Shoot Offs and lower the costs to active duty members.
e. It was proposed and accepted to give one $500 annual scholarship to a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a NANP member. A Scholarship Committee will be formed and rules set in the coming months. Rules and application procedures will be posted on the website and in the newsletter.
f. Sammy Solt announced, Wind Canyon Books will be donating to the NANP, 713 copies of the books, “Eyes of the Fleet” and “Photojournalist” both written by Art Giberson. These books will be sold online via eBay and the website with profits going to support the organization. However, we need someone who is willing to store and ship out the books as they are purchased. Laura Martin-Andrus of Milton, Florida volunteered to take on that responsibility.
g. The following members were nominated to Officer and Director positions. Their names will be placed on the ballot on the website for membership approval.
Chuck Abell was nominated by Jerry Billings to fill the Vice President vacancy.
Lisa Borges was nominated by Sammy Solt to fill a Director vacancy.
Jeff Hilton was nominated by Wes Gibson to fill a second Director vacancy.
h. Jerry Billings proposed and all were in favor of lowering Lifetime membership dues to $95 and eliminating the annual membership altogether. Membership for active duty will remain free. This change was done to encourage more to join the Association and to make membership management easier.
i. It was proposed and accepted that we petition for the Navy to name a ship after Paul Acres.
j. Harry Kidd, the creator of some great video slideshows of Navy Photographers throughout history, has offered to included donated photos in his slideshows. Harry updates the slideshows twice a year. If anyone has photos of themselves or their shipmates that they would like included, forward digital copies of the photos to Harry along with complete captions.
4. Sammy Solt handed the NANP Presidency to Wes Gibson.
5. With no further business, it was motioned and approved to close the meeting at approximately 16:00.
Brian McFadden
NANP Secretary