1.    The meeting was called to order by the President, Jerry Billings at 11:05.

2.    The Pledge to Allegiance was given.

3.    Minutes of the last General Meeting were read and on motion approved.

4.    The Secretary/Treasurer read the Financial Report.  As of 10 September, 2016 there was a balance of $8,496.75 in the Association Checking Account and $18,092.67 in the Association Savings account both of which are deposited in the Navy Federal Credit Union.

5.    Unfinished Business:
a.    The Secretary/Treasurer announced that the IRS Non-Profit issue with the Association had been settled and we are once again in good standing as a Non-Profit Organization.

6.    New Business:
a.    A discussion was held concerning the Association’s Face Book Page.  It was recommended, and on motion approved that the page was for members of the association only and that the administrators of the page would be limited to alleviate abuse of membership approval.

b.    The Two Bell Ceremony was discussed.  Currently, Don Timmerman has been keeping a record of all member deaths.  He has requested that another member be assigned coordinator duties.  Jerry Kessens and Jim Houle have agreed to take coordination of the ceremony and recording member deaths.

c.    Publication of the Newsletter will be re-instituted.  The next issue will be published on the web-site 31 December 2016.  All members are encouraged to provide inputs to the newsletter.

d.    A discussion was held concerning changing the convention/reunions to a bi-annual cycle vice annually due the loss of money in several of the last conventions.  Some of the attendees felt that we would lose participation of the older members if the change was made.  Another recommendation was made that the reunions be moved to a restaurant with a bar to save having to obligate for so many meals at the hotels.  Another recommendation was made on having the reunions/conventions on military bases to save money.  It was proposed to survey all the members to get as much input as possible on improving attendance.  It was on motion approved to post the survey on the web-site for a vote on recommended changes.

e.    Our databases and email addresses are severely out of date.  We sent out 700 emails regarding this reunion/convention. 400 were rejected, 350 were received, 125 of those were opened by the recipients, but only 50 linked to the web-site.  We desperately need to update the email/address list.  All Board members agreed that the list will be divided up between them to verify addresses and emails.

f.    It was motion approved that all future reunions will be advertised and held as Military Photographer’s Reunions sponsored by the National Association of Navy Photography.

g.    The attendees were notified of the new Navy policy to eliminate rating identifiers from the uniform.  In the future, everyone will be addressed as Seaman, Petty Officer or Chief Petty Officer, etc.  NOS numbers will be used similar to the Army, Air Force and Marines use of an MOS.  An official date hasn’t been announced so for the time being, rating badges will remain.

h.    The membership on motion recommended Marilyn Lynch to a 3 Year Director position.  Her name will be placed on the ballot on the web-site for membership approval.

The Secretary/Treasurer stated that the Financial Report will be posted on the web-site.  Upon review and concurrence by the President, these minutes will also be posted on the web-site

7.    There being no further business, it was motion approved to close the meeting at 1220.

John W. White

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