Meeting called to order at 1503 by President, Wes Gibson.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Wes Gibson thanked Gary Mann, Mike Mullen, and Greg McCreash for putting together the reunion.
Wes Gibson introduced members of the Board of Directors present.
Minutes of the Pensacola General Meeting read by Director, Lisa Borges.
Treasury report given by Treasurer, Sam Trice. The NANP currently has $40,127.55.
Awards Chairperson, Sammy Solt, announced winner of this years NANP scholarship was his grandson, Zachary Solt. There was only one scholarship application this year. All members are encouraged to have their children and grandchildren apply.
Chuck Abell discussed plans for the 2023 reunion in Washington, DC. It will be at the Double Tree Hotel in Crystal City/Pentagon City area. Dates tentatively set at October 5th – 9th.
Webmaster, Wes Gibson, announced plans to do some design changes to the website over the coming months. The information on the website will remain intact but visitors to the site may see some oddities during the redesign.
Database Manager, Jerry Billings, discussed memberships. Since reducing the annual membership to $95, we’ve had 45 new people join. We currently have 100 active duty MCs as members.
John White reminded everyone that when inviting people to join our Facebook group page, make sure that they actually want to be members of the group.
Unfinished Business
Ratification of the new NANP By-laws were discussed. This has been an ongoing process since the last revision came out in 2016. All Board members have reviewed the latest revision of the new By-laws and after a couple minor changes, the new By-laws will be posted on our website after the reunion. All members will have a chance to read and vote on the new By-laws online.
New Business
We need to fill the Director’s position for 2023, 2024, 2025. There will be an online vote by the membership. The following candidates were nominated.
Todd Pendleton
Duane Romine
Gary Mann
Proposals for the 2024 Navy Photographers Reunion. It will be a west coast reunion. The three most popular sites will be voted on by the membership online. Nominees are:
Las Vegas, NV
San Diego, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
SeaTac area was mentioned. (Had one there in 2019)
Branson, MO was mentioned.
Wes Gibson announced that the Board of Directors will be creating a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) document for the NANP during 2023. This will be a detailed expansion of the association’s By-laws covering Officer and Chairperson responsibilities, Committee responsibilities, procedures for awards given, and procedures for events such as the annual Navy Photographers Reunion.
Sammy Solt donated $100 to the 2023 Scholarship fund and challenged all to give what they can towards the scholarship.
Marty Shelton donated a Korean War era photo scrapbook to the NANP for display at one of Navy Photography collections. Greg McCreash took possession of the book to make sure it gets to where it needs to be.
Sammy Solt announced the donation of historical photographic equipment to the NANP from the estate of PHC Mike Keim.