Meeting called to order at 1502 by President, Wes Gibson.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Wes Gibson thanked Greg McCreash for putting together the reunion.
Wes Gibson introduced members of the Board of Directors present.
Minutes of the Pensacola General Meeting read by Vice President, Lisa Borges.
Treasury report given by Treasurer, Sam Trice. The NANP currently has $46,586.45. This figure does not reflect settlement of the 2023 Navy Photographer’s Reunion.
Ray Simonse’s Auditor’s Report was read by Wes Gibson. No anomalies were found in the NANP Treasury.
Jerry Billings reports that the NANP gained approximately 20 new members since the last reunion. We are averaging approximately six to eight active duty members each year.
Sammy Solt reports that there was only one applicant for the NANP Scholarship program again this year. This years winner of the scholarship is Alexandra Wolford-Griggs, daughter of Diane Wolford. Despite our best efforts, there seems to be little interest in the Scholarship program. Sammy proposes adding Trade Schools to the eligibility list. It will be added to the upcoming online vote.
Lisa Borges welcomed everybody to the reunion and thanked for voting her in as the replacement Vice President.
Unfinished Business
A web site redesign is still in the plans. Webmaster, Wes Gibson, reports that life got in the way and he hasn’t started it yet. It is anticipated that the redesign will begin this coming winter. Additional pages planed for the website include: Photo School and specialty school class photos, a guest log for shipmates to add their comments, spotlight pages highlighting shipmate careers, and Photos of the Month and Year.
Ronnie George gave an update on his campaign to have a ship names after Paul Akers, youngest man to die in the fire on the USS Enterprise. The campaign has stalled under the current administration, but is still in the works.
New Business
We have an open position for the 2024, 2025, 2026 Director. Wes Gibson explained the role of the Director. Duane Romine has been nominated by the Board of Directors. A call for additional nominations will go out via the website, Facebook, and email.
Greg McCreash proposes that we restructure future Navy Photographer’s Reunions. Getting away from big events at expensive venues with many costly tours. With a few exceptions, the Association ends up losing money and it’s not sustainable. Greg proposes:
Canceling the 2024 San Diego Navy Photographer’s Reunion due to expense, anticipated poor turnout, and lack of coordinator volunteers in San Diego.
Doing the Navy Photographer’s Reunion every other year.
Only doing reunions in locations known for good turnouts. Virginia Beach, VA; Jacksonville, FL; and Pensacola, FL.
Nora Filos proposes that San Antonio, TX be added to the list of permanent reunion locations.
Sammy Solt proposes that in lieu of San Diego, CA reunion in 2024 and we do a three day cruise out of Port Canaveral. Here are the details of what Sammy proposes.
Cruise will include ALL meals, access to the casino, floor shows, the comedy club, 24-hour a day pizza,18-hour a day Mexican food, and a hamburger stand.
Liberty call at Nassau in the Bahamas.
Total for two guests in an inside cabin is $711.30. A deposit of $100 is needed immediately to hold your cabin. The final payment is due on 7/21/2024.
Outside cabins, cabins with a balcony, and suites are available but at additional cost.
Drink package is $212.22 each. Remember if one person in the cabin gets a drink package, the second guest is required to purchase as well so the total for the package would be $424.44.
October 4th or 18th are the two possible dates. The membership present at the General Meeting selected October 18th as the date.
Wes Gibson motioned to adjourn the general meeting and Jerry Billings seconded. General Meeting adjourned at 1613.
3 thoughts on “General Meeting Minutes, October 7, 2023”
I was asking for a volunteer coordinator for the San Diego Reunion right after the San Antonio Reunion. Look at the NANP Newsletter published on January 10, 2023. I’m pretty sure Greg McCreash, our Reunion Chair, was actively looking for a local coordinator as well. Greg was doing as much as possible via phone and at those times he was on site in the area with his job. As of the Washington, DC Reunion, no one had stepped forward. I’m all for having reunions on the West Coast, but we need boots on the ground.
Interesting discussion about the reunions.
Nobody asked the West Coast if we wanted to host a Reunion.
Maybe NANP has become an East Coast organization
Dick Wade Past National President
I was asking for a volunteer coordinator for the San Diego Reunion right after the San Antonio Reunion. Look at the NANP Newsletter published on January 10, 2023. I’m pretty sure Greg McCreash, our Reunion Chair, was actively looking for a local coordinator as well. Greg was doing as much as possible via phone and at those times he was on site in the area with his job. As of the Washington, DC Reunion, no one had stepped forward. I’m all for having reunions on the West Coast, but we need boots on the ground.