Shipmates, Many of you have not registered for the upcoming Navy Photographer’s Reunion in Washington, DC, 5-8 October. We hope to see a large turnout for this great occasion. With all the retired PH’s and MCs in the DC area plus all the active-duty MCs in the neighborhood we really thought there would be a great turnout. Although the Navy Photographer’s Reunion is sponsored by the National Association of Naval Photography (NANP), you do NOT have to be a member of the NANP to attend the reunion and enjoy the camaraderie and festivities. For active-duty MCs interested in joining the NANP, it is FREE to all active-duty members. As Navy photographers we have and still are recording images of history. […]
NANP Officers Special Election
Greetings All, The NANP Board of Directors is calling for a vote of the membership. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Board of Directors has appointed an Interim Vice President and have recommendations to complete out 2023 and transition into 2024. Follow the link below for more details and to cast your vote. The deadline for submitting your ballot is midnight (PST), August 18th, 2023. Thank you to all members who cast your vote.
NANP Scholarship Deadline is August 15th
Shipmates, It’s summer. Here on the Space Coast it has been a scorcher. Temps in the high 90s and low 100s. No complaints though, it suits me better than to be up north in the winter shoveling 10 inches of snow. The reason for my note is the NANP Scholarship. At present we have only two (2) applicants for our $500 scholarship. NANP is trying to get some traction going with this program, so if you have a chiId, grandchild, or even a great grandchild headed to college this year get them to fill out the scholarship package and send it in. To apply, click here to go to the NANP Scholarship page and follow the directions. It’s that easy, […]
The Shoot Off Workshop is Back!
Story and Photos by Johnny Bivera It was two years ago on the month of March we held the last shoot off program for still photography. We finished our program the day before the whole region shut down for Covid-19. It was on a Monday and the week prior was the most stressed out I had been since 911. An unknown future was coming and phone calls between myself, the staff, the sponsors and venue management was hourly. The spread was coming fast and the seriousness of how to react was muddled. Two days out from the workshop a decision was made between myself and program director Bob Houlihan to keep our senior citizen faculty members away and home safe. […]
Tidewater Group April Fools Luncheon
Story by Merrilee WilsonPhoto by Johnny Bivera Twenty-six photographers and spouses gathered in Chesapeake, Virginia on April 1st for lunch, merriment and storytelling. Among the group was Richard Shorter, an active duty MC2. We were delighted! He promised to bring another MC with him to the next lunch. We are counting on him. Following a half hour of visiting, we kicked off our gathering with Sheila Stone welcoming all followed by Greg McCreash sharing the benefits of NANP membership. An (at times hilarious) informal survey was conducted about our experiences as photographers. Yes! MCs are photographers! We learned (by a raise of hands) which of us served on independent duty, in Vietnam, as detailers (no bodily harm was done), as ship’s company, kissed the moose, donated […]
General Meeting Minutes, October 22, 2022
Unfinished Business New Business
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, October 22, 2022
Old Business New Business
2022 Membership Voting Results
With 107 NANP members casting their vote to elect: (1) a new Director starting in 2023; (2) selecting the location of the 2024 Navy Photographers Reunion; and (3) approving or disapproving the new NANP Bylaws, below are the results. Director (2023, 2024, 2025) – Gary Mann 2024 Navy Photographers Reunion Location – San Diego, CA NANP Bylaws Ratified Thanks to all members who cast their vote.
2022 NANP Scholarship Winner – Zach Solt
The 2022 NANP Scholarship was awarded to Zachary Solt, grandson of William (Sammy) Solt. Zach is a Junior at The University of Buffalo where he is majoring in English. Upon graduating from The University of Buffalo in the spring of 2024, he plans to attend law school. Zachs’ ultimate goal is to help those who are unable to afford good legal representation. Congratulations to Zach and best wishes on his educational endeavors.
It’s Time to Vote
Greetings All, The NANP ballot for all members is now active. This year, you are voting for a new Director for a three year position beginning in 2023, the location for the 2024 Navy Photographers Reunion, and on ratifying the proposed NANP Bylaws. The deadline for submitting your ballot is midnight (PST), Dec. 7th, 2022. Thank you to all members who cast your vote. I also want to wish all of you and your families a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.