Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, October 22, 2022
Posted by, Wes Gibson on January 9, 2023
Meeting called to order at 1258 by President, Wes Gibson.
Officers, Directors, and Chairpersons present include: Wes Gibson, Chuck Abell, Samuel Trice, Tim Timmerman, Lisa Borges, Jeff Hilton, Sammy Solt, Greg McCreash, Jerry Billings, Johnny Bivera, and Gary Mann.
Minutes of the Pensacola BOD Meeting read by Director, Lisa Borges.
Treasury report given by Treasurer, Sam Trice. The NANP currently has $40,127.55.
Old Business
Ratification of the new NANP By-laws were discussed. All Board members have reviewed the latest revision of the new By-laws. We will add a small section with a general description of a Directors responsibilities. We will also add reference to a Fundraising Committee under the guidance of the Awards Chairman. The new By-laws will be discussed at the General Meeting and then moved to an online vote by all members.
Johnny Bivera discussed the MC survey he conducted regarding making the NANP more inclusive to the MC community. To summarize:
Senior MC’s understand a need for the NANP.
Junior MC’s have and function on social media. They don’t see value in reunions.
At this time, Johnny does not see a need to change the associations name or logo to be more inclusive of the MC’s.
Greg McCreased proposed that we table the discussion of changing the association’s name and logo for five years. Jerry Billings seconded. All were in favor.
Discussion concerning the new logo contest one year ago was brought up. What should we do about those who submitted entires since we did not pick a winner, nor did we award the $250 prize? After discussion, Lisa Borges proposed that the NANP present each person submitting an entry be sent a letter of thanks along with a $25 gift card. Jerry Billings seconded. All were in favor.
Sam Trice brought up a discussion about moving some of our funds into interest bearing accounts. Jerry Billings proposed having Sam Trice research available interest bearing investments for a portion of NANP funds. Chuck Abell seconded. All were in favor.
New Business
Zachary Solt, grandson to Sammy Solt, was selected to receive the 2022 scholarship award. This was the only scholarship application we received this year. Going forward, the scholarship program needs to be marketed better among the members.
Sammy Solt proposed that we bump the annual scholarship award to $1000. There was no second. The discussion transitioned to possibly funding the scholarship through donations in the future. Chuck Abell proposed that we form a Fundraising Committee to support future scholarships. Seconded. All were in favor.
A separate discussion evolved around the possibility of creating a Fundraising Chairperson to oversee the Fundraising Committee. Since the Fundraising Committee’s primary purpose would be to fund the scholarship, it makes more sense to put the committee under the Awards Chairperson. Sammy Solt proposed that the Fundraising Committee be formed under the auspices of the Awards Chairman. Seconded. All were in favor.
Johnny Bivera proposed the idea of forming a Photo of the Month and Year program as a means to get active duty MCs involved in the NANP. Photos selected would be published on the website, the newsletter, and on the Facebook group page. Most thought the idea had merit. At this time, the idea was not seconded and has been tabled for further discussions.
We need to fill the Director’s position for 2023, 2024, 2025. There will be an online vote by the membership. The following candidates were nominated.
Todd Pendleton (nominated by Wes Gibson)
Duane Romine (nominated by Tim Timmerman)
Gary Mann (volunteered)
Wes Gibson announced that his project for 2023 will be the creation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) document for the NANP. This will be a detailed expansion of the association’s By-laws covering Officer and Chairperson responsibilities, Committee responsibilities, procedures for awards given, and procedures for events such as the annual Navy Photographers Reunion. Wes will be sending out an email to the Board of Directors to kickoff the project. Greg McCreash volunteered to work on the SOP for awarding the scholarship each year.
Jeff Hilton proposed the NANP sponsor a historical plaque to be placed at the site of the NAS Jacksonville Photo Lab. That Photo Lab was key in the processing and printing of aerial reconnaissance during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Jeff will research the requirements to make this happen. Johnny Bivera recommended Gary Powers as a point of contact.
Johnny Bivera donated a new photo book titled, “Relentless Courage” to the NANP to be used as a raffle prize at the evenings Banquet.
Proposals from the Board of Directors for the 2024 Navy Photographers Reunion. There will be an online vote by the membership.
Las Vegas, NV
San Diego, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Chuck Abell discussed the 2023 Navy Photographers Reunion in Washington, DC. He believes the best dates for the event will be October 5th to the 9th.
Sam Trice announced that he has a box of records from John White and would like to know what to do with them. The consensus by the BOD was to go through the box, shred anything that we no longer need to keep. Hold onto anything historical.
Gary Mann gave the BOD his financial numbers from the San Antonio Navy Photographers Reunion. We collected $10,418.80 and paid out $9,568.68. We finished the reunion in the black.
Sammy Solt proposed that we adjourn the BOD meeting. Jerry Billings seconded. Adjourned at 1426.
2 thoughts on “Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, October 22, 2022”
How about listing the names of the attendees?
I have added them.