PHCS V.O. “Mac” McColley Memorial Service info

From Mac’s Daughter, Dear Family and Friends, You may know by now Dad passed away unexpectedly on January 18.  I’m hoping we’ve reached out to everyone, but I fear we may have missed someone.  If you would be so kind as to forward this message to others you think we may have missed, we would be very grateful. We invite you to attend his Memorial Service on Monday, February 12, 2018, and the Celebration of His Life immediately following at the home of his son Michael.  We know so many of you live so far away in other cities and states and understand you can’t attend, but we want you to know you are in our hearts. Sincerely yours, Julie […]

General Meeting Minutes, September 20, 2017

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NAVY PHOTOGRAPHY  –  GENERAL MEETING NOTES 20 SEPTEMBER 2017 1. The meeting was called to order by the President, Jerry Billings at 11:10. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. 3. Minutes of the last General Meeting were read and on motion approved. 4. A Financial Report was given by Pres. Jerry Billings. As of 20 September, 2017 there was a balance of $10,910.17 in the Association Checking Account and $18,137.90 in the Association Savings account both of which are deposited in the Navy Federal Credit Union. The 2017 reunion had deposited $4,834.41 thus far. Also discussed was the fact that NANP’s Fiscal Year ends on 31 December. Therefore, the annual financial report will be released after […]

Photographers Mate Training Manuals

Bob Lawson  Mickey…Please excuse this method of getting my message to you, but this was my only access to your address. I have a wealth of old Photographers Mate (remember them?) training manuals, one dated 1918. Would the association be interested in my donating them? If not, and any other individual would want them they would be for sale or donation, depending on their use. Bob Lawson PHCS(AC) USN(Ret) 1418. E Sonoma Cortile Washington UT 84780 (435) 680-9812 This comment came in from Bob Lawson.  NANP does not have an archive area but is there anyone who would like these?  Is there any need for these in Pensacola at the display in Building 1600?

Joe Renteria at NANP Round-up

Joe Renteria turned 100 years old this year. Joe is probably the oldest living PH in the country.  He will be joining us for the roundup and speaking at the dinner.   Here are a few other pieces that you can get to know Joe if you could not make it to this year’s reunion. UT Story and Video about Joe. KPBS Radio Interview All Hands Magazine Radio KSON

Job posting – Recorded Sound Program Manager (Head, Recorded Sound Section) – Library of Congress

From Kenneth Hess Job posting Recorded Sound Program Manager (Head, Recorded Sound Section) Library of Congress Agency contact information 1 vacancy in the following location:  Culpeper, VA Work Schedule is OPEN – Permanent Opened Monday 11/28/2016 (11 day(s) ago)  Closes Monday 12/19/2016 (10 day(s) away) Salary Range $108,887.00 to $141,555.00 / Per Year Series & Grade GS-0301-14/14 Promotion Potential 14 Supervisory Status Yes Who May Apply Anyone may apply – By law, employment at most U.S. Government agencies, including the Library of Congress, is limited to U.S. citizens. However, non-citizens may be hired, provided that other legal requirements are met and the Library determines there are no qualified U.S. citizens available for the position. Control Number 457676600 Job […]

CWO-4 William M. Welch

The Passing of – CWO-4 William M. Welch   Alice M. Welch Senior Photo Editor U.S. Department of Agriculture Photography Services  –  Bill passed away on Nov. 5, 2016. He will be interred in Arlington National Cemetery on April 13, 2017 at 11:00am Alice From Us: Alice:   We are very sorry to here of Bill’s passing I will post this information on the site for all to read.    Sending our combined condolences. Mickey – Web admin NANP